Mandazis are amazingly soft, triangle-shaped donuts famous in East Africa, where I am from. They are excellent with a cup of tea or coffee. The dash of cardamom adds an authentic taste, making them different from regular donuts. You can serve them with honey or jam. Mandazis can also be served with curry, which is how we like them.

Mandazi Ingredients I Used:
👩🏾🍳 600 g self-raising flour.
👩🏾🍳 6 tablespoons sugar.
👩🏾🍳 2 teaspoon cinnamon.
👩🏾🍳 1/8 teaspoon salt ( a pinch of salt).
👩🏾🍳 2 tablespoons stork baking spread at room temperature.
👩🏾🍳 2 eggs.
👩🏾🍳1 cup room temperature milk.
👩🏾🍳 1 teaspoon vanilla essence.
👩🏾🍳 In a large enough bowl, mix the flour, sugar salt and cinnamon.
👩🏾🍳 Make a well in the flour mixture and pour in the eggs, baking spread, milk and vanilla. Slowly start bringing everything together to form a dough.
👩🏾🍳 Place the dough of a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 minutes or until the dough is stops sticking.
👩🏾🍳 Place the dough back in a bowl and rest for 1 hour ( very important ).
👩🏾🍳 After 1 hour, roll the dough on a lightly floured surface into a 1 or 2 cm thick than using a sharp knife or pizza cutter, cut the dough into desired shape, I like mine rectangular.
👩🏾🍳 Heat up the cooking oil in a deep pan on a medium heat, too high will brown the manadazi before they are ready inside and not heated enough will make the mandazi absorb oil so find a happy medium, try one piece of manadazi first and if it comes up to the surface straight away without browning the oil is ready.
👩🏾🍳 Now gentle dip the manadazi into the heated oil and fry turning occasionally until light brown in on all sides.
🧡 Happy cooking. Please share and invite other foodies to come join us. 🧡